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AB 209 Unit 2 Assignment Recruitment (Adolescent Obesity Center) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ab209study.com In this week and next, you will be learning about human resources issues concerning the employment process. This week you read about the employment process in your chapter reading and practiced with recruiting, screening, and hiring concepts in the Learning Activity. Now you will be writing about how you plan to find your employees for your real or imagined business. The premise, of course, is that you will have employees. If you start out small, and the first employee is only you, imagine the business a number of years out. If you needed five employees, which positions would they most likely fill? What positions will need filling? Please imagine three positions and then respond in a one to two page explanation to the following: 1. Indicate the job title and write a brief job description including pertinent job specifications for each of the three positions. 2. What will the pay range be for each of the three positions?