4 ) The table below contains data for country A for the year 2010 . ================================================== AB 204 Unit 5 Assignment
directly as part of GDP , but the value of intermediate goods produced and not sold is included directly as part of GDP .
3 ) GDP is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time . In spite of this definition , some production is left out of GDP . Explain why some final goods and services are not included .
4 ) The table below contains data for country A for the year 2010 . ================================================== AB 204 Unit 5 Assignment
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1 ) Assume there is a simple economy where people consume only 2 goods , food and clothing . Further assume that the market basket of goods used to compute the CPI consists of 100 units of food and 20 units of clothing .
2 ) Calculate how much each of the following items is worth in terms of today ' s dollars using 180 as the price index for today .
3 ) The table below uses data for 3 hypothetical countries . All the number values are in thousands . Complete the blank entries in the table below .