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2. Identify at least three ways General Motors can avoid illegal discrimination =================================================== AB 203 Unit 3 Assignment Legal Aspects of HRM FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ab203study.com Complete the questions below from Units 1, 2 and 3. Use this document as your template. Submit this document to the unit Dropbox when you have completed the Assignment. =================================================== AB 203 Unit 4 Assignment Case Study Analysis (Can Yahoo Still Attract Tech Workers?) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.ab203study.com Case Study Analysis Read the Case “Managing Talent: Can Yahoo Still Attract Tech Workers?” at the end of Chapter 5. Answer the questions at the end of the case in a 2-3 page paper. To assist you with this, and other case studies in this class, a document entitled “Case Study Analysis,” is in Doc Sharing and can be downloaded for your reference. This document, and many other