Continued from page 5
Washington Stands Up for Licensure Freedom
The Washington Senate is considering a bill (SB 6270) to ensure
that a physician may maintain his or her medical license independent of participation in any health insurance program. SB 6270
amends the Uniform Health Professions Disciplinary Act to state
that no health care professional may be required to participate in
any public or private third-party reimbursement program as a condition of licensure. The Health Committee approved the bill January 31 and now the Rules Committee must grant its blessing before
making it to the full Chamber.
Measures that forbid participation mandates are also being considered in Arizona and Georgia. 2011 AACU State Society Network
Advocacy Conference attendees were privy to a sneak peek to this
activity. Mark your calendars for the 2012 event, scheduled for
September 22 – 23, in Chicagoland.
No Problem!
cate of Merit process in the 2012 session beginning February 8,
cate of Merit law by allowing medical professionals not in the same
merit to go forward to court.
USPSTF Draft Recommendation Reverberates in States
Led by urologists, group practices and the New Jersey Patient Care
and Access Coalition, the Garden State went "on the record" in opposition to the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force draft recommendation statement against screening for prostate cancer. On the
other side of the coin, the Vermont Legislature is considering an
amendment to no longer mandate that insurers cover prostate cancer screening and in Virginia, an originally strong resolution to promote early detection via PSA testing was watered down by bureaucrats in the Department of Health. Old Dominion staff looked into
their crystal ball to predict that the USPSTF draft recommendation
Distinguished Leadership Honoree
Champions Licensure
Freedom Bill
By: Tim Lytle, Government Affairs Associate
Washington State Senator Randi Becker (R-Eatonville) recently sponsored Senate Bill 6270 which prevents physician participation in a
third party reimbursement program as a condition of licensure.
Senator Becker who was named a 2011
AACU Distinguished Leadership Honoree
introduced the bill to secure doctors freedom
to participate in insurance programs of their
own choosing. SB 6270 amends the Uniform
Health Professions Disciplinary Act to state
that no health care professional may be required to participate in any public or private
third-party reimbursement program as a condition of licensure.
Senator Randi Becker
SB 6270 took an important step January 30 when the Senate Health &
Long Term Care Committee approved the measure by a 6-2 vote. As
of this writing SB 6270 sits in the Rules Committee where it awaits
a second reading and if approved, moves to the full Senate. If the
bill passes the Senate it moves to the House where Representatives
Schmick and Hinkle, who co-sponsored a companion bill, HB 2621,
stand ready to assist with passage.
The AACU strongly supports these proposals and calls on Washington lawmakers to preserve health care professionals' right to engage
in contractual relationships independent of any government mandate.
Senator Becker has long been a friend of urology and this effort continues her commitment to physicians and their patients.
not promote a divergent policy. A House subcommittee agreed and
voted down a pro-screening amendment February 2.
Advocacy Tip: Seek Fellow Advocates
Identify fellow advocates and partners in the urologic community
to better understand the process, monitor legislation and assess
strengths and weaknesses. Finding common ground on an issue
sometimes brings together strange bedfellows but makes for a
stronger coalition.
Promote the Practice
of Urology
The AACU State Society Network advances the interests
of urologists in state legislatures and agencies across the
Realizing the varied demands of professional life, the
AACU supplies network representatives with tools to express the interests of their practice, patients and state society before legislators and executive agencies.
Demonstrate your desire to affect political and policy matters that impact your practice. Become an AACU State
Society Network Representative.