A2P SMS Market – Global Market Trends and Forecasts 2016-2022 Global A2P SMS Market Forecasts 2016-2022 | Page 3

• Globally , the rapid evolution of mobile technology has been changing the consumer / enterprise lifestyle . The growth of world population will directly impact on mobile subscriber base market growth .
• By 2020 , unique mobile subscriber base is expected to reach 4.6 billion .
• One of the most emerging and popular markets in mobile messaging services is Application to Person ( A2P ) SMS market .
A2P SMS Market – Global Market Drivers , Opportunities , Trends , and Forecasts , 2016-2022

Market Overview

• Globally , the rapid evolution of mobile technology has been changing the consumer / enterprise lifestyle . The growth of world population will directly impact on mobile subscriber base market growth .

• By 2020 , unique mobile subscriber base is expected to reach 4.6 billion .

• One of the most emerging and popular markets in mobile messaging services is Application to Person ( A2P ) SMS market .

A2P SMS Market – Global Market Drivers , Opportunities , Trends , and Forecasts , 2016-2022