Kantar Media
In a fragmented media landscape, true insights can only be achieved
through global presence and a holistic approach.
That’s why Kantar Media is made up of the most comprehensive media
research and insights assets in the world.
Together they ensure that everything that can be known, will be known –
providing insights that allow our clients to make the best possible decisions.
In order to create a truly unified approach, Kantar
Media brings together a plethora of media expertise:
Informational insight
Our media intelligence teams deliver media
monitoring and evaluation across both traditional and
social media. This offering is further empowered by
the presence of KantarSport, our dedicated sports
monitoring and research arm; the precision evaluation
expertise offered by the integration of Précis, and
Cymfony, our social media analytics experts.
Understanding audiences worldwide
Our global audience measurement services in over 50
countries include planning and analysis tools for TV,
Radio and Online campaigns.
Surveying the globe with TGI
Target Group Index (TGI) is our specialist unit providing
a global understanding of consumer consumption,
attitudes and media usage – these studies having been
in existence since 1969.
Customised media solutions
Our team of industry-leading researchers enable
media owners to demonstrate the value of their
audiences and increase audience share. It also works
with advertising and media agencies to optimise their
planning capabilities.
Digital Intelligence
Compete, a Kantar Media company, delivers digital
intelligence that helps the world’s top brands improve
their marketing based on the online behaviour of
millions of consumers.
Insights without equal
Together, these key media
assets use our global presence
and cutting-edge technologies to
constantly uncover insights that
offer unsurpassed competitive
advantage to our clients.
It is our belief that when you
require absolute understanding
of the media landscape – and
your place within it – no one
else in our space puts such an
exciting range of tools, assets
and insights at your disposal.