a trip to the unknown - May 2014 | Page 2

a small window through space

Everything in this world has a beginning, in the same way that everything had an end. But as we know, our world is not the only one that exists, as we exit our solar system we come to find an endless space that inhabits billions of galaxies that stretch out to the far reaches of the universe. But how did it all start? When did it all start? And what is the significance of it all? These are very big, demanding question that have more than one answer, different theories suggesting different things that contain different factors. It is up to us to expand our knowledge base and look into the sky and try to understand our origins, where did we come from? Thankfully, due to the scientific advancements of the 21st century this has become more possible than it was before and technology is only enhancing more and more every year, enabling us to reach new discoveries. It is up to us to feed our curiosity and figure out just what is out there and how it all began, to answer all these questions that might provide more clarity, in a scientific matter.