The Documentary
A Tribute to Henri Chapron
The full story of his life and work. First hand
accounts. Portraits of cars and owners. Filmed
worldwide. Unique archival footage. 1886 – 1986:
100 years of automobile history. Delahaye,
Delage, Hotchkiss, Talbot, Rolls-Royce, Cadillac,
Citroën: the grand marques.
Two World Wars. A moving story of craftsmanship, devotion and beauty. The ultimate symbols
of the rich history of car manufacturing: Chapronbuilt automobiles. (1919 - 1986)
• This documentary will be distributed as a high
quality Blu-ray, exclusive numbered DVD-boxset
available via pre-order.
• 50-minutes. 4 Languages.
Sneak Preview
Click here.