A TO Z INDIA | Page 8


Exploring India :
Magnificent Moovar Koil
Moovar Koil , aptly named in Tamil which literally means “ Three temples ”. The temple complex originally consisted of three almost identical temples standing in a line facing west , but only two have survived .
In front of the Three , their front ardha-mandapas connecting to a common maha-mandapa and surrounding the main shrines are sixteen shrines for the subsidiary deities ( parivara devatas ). Among these , only the two ( central and the southern ) temples are intact in full and rest of the structures with only basement and pathways .
The temple is adorned with beautiful sculptures of Siva as Ardhanari , Bhikshatana , Umasahita , Gangadhara , Kalari , other gods and apsaras . The remarkable one is ‘ Bhara Siva ’ - Shiva shown holding a linga over his shoulders as a representation of the practice of carrying ishta-lingas or movable linga .
Place : Kodumbalur ( erstwhile Capital of Irukkuvelir which is referred as ‘ Kodumbai ’ in Tamil epic ‘ Silappatikaram ’), now a village in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu .
Period : Commissioned by Irukkuvel Chief Bhooti Vikramakesari on behalf of himself and his two wives , Katrali and Varaguna between 9th-10th Century . Irukkuvel were connected to the Cholas matrimonially , making them taking side of the Cholas against fights with the Pallavas and the Pandyas .