A Step-By-Step Method of Finding the Best Multibagger Stocks 5_Habits_Of_Investment_That_Is_Pure_Gambling.PDF | Page 3
A trade always has two faces – buying and selling. Investors first
speculate when to purchase a stock and the time to sell it. Knowing
when to sell stock a stock is more important than knowing the time
for buying it. If you do not have any exit strategy, that is, plan for
selling, then you are gambling and not investing.
Approach Of Single Investment
A proper investor will incorporate different kinds of investments to
have true diversification and absolute return on his money.
Focusing on only one kind of investment like stocksor mutual
funds only is similar to having everything in one hand. This
approach is more like gambling.
Love Affair
Gamblers usually purchase and hold stocks of the companies they
love. If they are asked the reason for such an act, they cannot give a