A Steampunk Guide to Hunting Monsters 18 | Page 15

P erhaps a lady starts her hunting career with ghosts and goblins, and later she progresses to cliff diving in pursuit of a giant gryphon. No matter how adventuresome a lady becomes, there will come a time when she feels she has run out of things to hunt, and she will invariably set her mind to vampires. However, these beasts are best left to the proper authorities — the police and military. Just as a huntsman who goes out to shoot a deer for dinner would not, in the end, shoot a human, neither should a refi ned lady monster-hunter ever pursue a vampire. Hopefully this guide will give ladies ideas for monster hunting that will keep her adrenaline pumping and her wallet emptying for the rest of her natural life without ever needing to descend into the demonic realms of the loss of her own humanity and life. T IPS FOR L ADY M ONSTER H UNTERS r g gr NO. 17 Avoid Vampires!