Longville violently to the ground and whirled upon me , knocking me off my feet , and I felt the flintlock spin out of my grasp . The Mayor charged into the Beast himself , and I dared not look , for ( and I should not know this , being a lady of marriageable age , and innocent as the morning dew ) he clearly slept practically in the buff .
I rolled , coming to my knees against the wall , as the Beast , in a paroxysm of rage and silver-laced pain , bolted past me .
Percy held up my gun , and for a moment , we stared into each other ’ s eyes . I saw hesitation , but then he looked down at his hands , and with a thin , close-mouthed smile , he tossed me the weapon .
The howling of the Beast seemed to have roused even the soundest sleepers . All along the corridor , doors opened , and I heard many shouts of alarm and excitement as I pursued the Beast through the hall .
We passed through entire rooms . Drawing rooms , foyers , living rooms . The Beast smashed glass and wood , and in some cases ripped entire doors from their frames ! Only as we ran into the Monster Prison wing of the house did I realize that I had somehow misplaced the monster .
I began to move silently through the dark , grabbing a lantern off of a nearby table . It was perplexing that no one , not one servant had been roused . I heard that sound . That heavy breathing , sputtering sound that was outside my door , but now it seemed strange and horrifying .
At some point , near the Wendigo ' s cell , the noises died . I steeled my nerves . I did not want to see it , not that look in its eyes that compelled me to lose my senses . No . Never again . I managed to rush past , but against my better judgment I looked into the next cell and saw the vampire looking straight at me ! Oh , how is it that I could show no fear in chasing a beast , but beasts ’ captivity in cells could make me lose my wits like this ? I dropped
my lantern off the edge of the railing and down into the center of the floor below where it broke and went out .
After some time of moving , I fumbled my way to another door . I entered into a strange room filled with low , flickering electricity . Someone sat in a chair at the back of the room , so I called , “ Hello ! Did you know there is a monster about ?”
I moved closer , as there was no answer , and the person clearly couldn ' t hear me over all the mechanical whirring . I suppose I was also trying to speak quietly . On a table nearby I observed some practically alchemical ingredients , broken plants , and leaves piled with … I know not what .
I touched the figure ' s chair . It turned to reveal the severed head of Lu Yan ' s wife , but attached to numerous mechanical components . It was all I could do to hold my horror inside . She looked alive , and I nearly lost my wits when the severed head spoke !
“ Let me die ,” she said . “ Untie the ribbon . It hurts . Untie my ribbon . Let me die .”
And then the head gurgled , blood poured from its mouth , and
I have to stop now to confess something . At that moment , terror struck me for the first time in my life . I was horrified in that way that I hear people talk of . In that way that has never seemed to keep me from adventure . I fight when confronted . And here ... I fled .
I ran through the darkness ( and am pleased to say I did not trip ). I ran past the cells of the monsters . Past the Wendigo , past the broken lantern , through the varied rooms , and straight into Percy ' s room . I threw myself directly into his arms .
He asked me what was wrong , and I said , “ Please , just hold me .”
I was comforted then , for a short while , for I did not even have the slightest inkling that every monster was about to break free from its cell .