It doesn’t teach the way people learn
I bet you that a college graduate learns more in her first year on the job than she does in all four years in college.
People learn by doing, not by sitting in a class and being lectured to.
Four years of information is too much to retain
Students end up cramming as much information about a class as they need for to do well on a test and they forget almost all of it after they finish a semester. On graduation day, most students can’t remember what they learned a month before. What they learned as freshmen is a fuzzy memory at best.
Its promise is a hoax
Colleges say that over a lifetime, graduates earn as much as $1 million more than non-graduates. But, as Forbes pointed out in an article appropriately called The Great College Hoax, “A correlation between B.A.s and incomes is not proof of cause and effect. It may reflect nothing more than the fact that the economy rewards smart people and smart people are likely to go to college.”
The truth is that college is one big party
The evidence of the massive 4-year party that college really is can be see all over Facebook.
Are there some students who study hard and learn a lot in college? Yes, but most of those students are learning despite the environment, not because of it.
See the "College Conspiracy"