a South florida based magazine that focuses on the entertainment industry and the night life scene. a South florida based magazine that focuses on the | Page 16

Photo by Zephyrance Lou

Do You Believe In Holograms?

Trying to explain how Power Balance works can make the most scientific skeptic sound like a New Age crystal healer. But if you’ve ever had someone run their balance tests on you, well, it’s not to believe there’s something going on there. Exactly what that “something” is, well, we’re not willing to say. But it’s enough to convince world champs like Andy Irons and Kelly Slater to at least give it a try; enough that Rasta and Bruce Irons are raving about it on the company’s website; enough the brands like Sanuk Sandals and the US Military have begun integrating the tiny hologram into their products; and enough to make SURFING Magazine ask Power Balance’s South East Asia representative (and Bali local) Harry Radcliff…

Can I just get this thing tattoo’d on me?

No. It has to be in the hologram. A hologram is like a CD or a DVD — it’s a medium. The brothers who started Power Balance don’t claim to have invented anything — they just found a way to store this particular frequency in a small, affordable hologram. So the best thing you can do is keep one in your left arm, like this wrist band. Energy supposedly enters your body though your left hand. So the best place is either wrists, and a third spot, creating a triangle. There’s definitely a difference between having one and having a few throughout your body. When I go surfing, I do a wristband, one in my pocket, and a sticker or two on my board. Big difference. Ask any of the guys who’ve been using them.