A Smarter Future A Smarter Future | Page 3

Content by The Buzz Business 3 cities Smarter Cities, Smarter Citizens C ities are complex ecosystems that must be run efficiently to function well—and they are growing fast. According to the United Nations, by 2050 the number of urban residents will reach 6.2 billion, 66% of the projected global population. As cities get bigger, managing them becomes tougher. Since the advent of the Information Age, planners and policymakers have turned to technology to solve urban challenges. Leveraging digital connectivity drives the IoT, revolutionizing how we live and work in cities. IoT is empowering urban managers to make informed decisions about what needs to be done now and next. My priorities include improving connectivity to deliver public services more easily and efficiently” Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London The smart-city market will be worth an estimated $400 billion a year by 2020. Corporations see expanding urban areas as a growing opportunity to offer solutions and improve lives today, while generat