A Smarter Future A Smarter Future | Page 13

Content by The Buzz Business 13 technology Personalizing prevention is the best cure I n the future, we not only have to find better ways to share the planet among more of us, but we also have to deal with the fact that most of us will be on it longer. The older we get, the more likely we will develop a condition—related to environment, genetics, lifestyle or simply age—that needs care. The cost to society for healthcare will inevitably increase. In developed countries, healthcare bills are already in the double digits of GDP and are rising as populations and life expectancies Connecting physicians to patients do. Today’s approach—waiting until people are sick before treating them—is costly and strains systems at the seams. When people fall ill and need care immediately, communication between professionals can suffer while they try to ensure the patient does not. The way forward, according to Dutch multinational Royal Philips, is to make healthcare more personal and preventative to improve out- Philip’s medical imaging and navigation technology create minimally invasive procedures comes, optimize lifetime health and develop new diagnostic, therapeu- caregivers and patients, as part of reduce costs. The company is now tic and data-integrated solutions its mission to improve the lives focusing on health technology to that will provide benefits for both of three billion people by 2025. ambulance to help us determine the cause and send advanced data to the hospital so they are ready to receive the patient in the right ward without wasting time in the emergency room. We are partners challenging each other to redesign the way healthcare is delivered. in the last yard between patient and doctor. You can do big-data analysis, but how do you make it actionable? You need to touch fter working around the an individual patient and help world for Royal Philips from an individual doctor, because 1986 to 2004, before leaving to otherwise all insights are theoretical. We have diagnostic head up a spin-off company systems, informatics to inteand his own consultancy firm, Frans van Houten returned Where is change happening now? grate data, and clinical support. to become CEO in 2011. Frans van Houten, CEO, Royal Philips The division doing connected care When patients are discharged, During hi