A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 7

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Arts Pedagogical Research Fund This publication is made possible by the Arts Pedagogical Research Fund (APRF), supported by the collaboration between the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). APRF serves to support arts teachers in developing pedagogical understanding via research, and teacher-researchers undergo a year-long professional development programme organised by the Singapore Teachers’ Academy for the aRts (STAR). The APRF Professional Development programme aims to deepen teacher-researchers’ understanding of pedagogical research through workshops and research consultation sessions with research consultants. With sessions spread out through the year, teacher-researchers are supported as they embark on each stage of research. Through the stages of research, teachers develop a deeper understanding of music pedagogy and engage in reflective dialogues with a community comprising STAR officers, research consultants and fellow teacher-researchers. Most importantly, they also develop a spirit of inquiry and a critical stance towards their teaching practice which will continue to support their classroom practice beyond the pedagogical research. To find out more about APRF, please visit the STAR website: www.star.moe.edu.sg 4