A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 53

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Another entry, by William, was also akin to what Matthew and John wrote: …it (the feedback) was encouraging and we felt assured that we are not alone in our troubles… [Reflection Journal 04, 1 August 2014] In general, most entries that we collected highlighted a positive response towards the introduction of feedback as part of their reflective practice. We realised members observed that their instructor took their concerns into consideration and thus, helped make their subsequent practice sessions more fruitful. It is also worth noting that through providing feedback, it also helped members reflect on what was taught in the previous practice and, moving ahead, how to better apply the skills taught into the next few practice sessions. We feel that the following entry made by John aptly describes this: …Mr Tan’s comments were really useful today… now I can read the notes because I know the semi-tone difference between sharps and flats… And the angle of attack on the strings… as I could play much louder today… [Reflective Dialogue 04, 1 August 2014] 50