A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 43

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Two routines were selected to guide our design of questions in the reflection journal to help structure the students’ thinking and deepen their learning. A. The ‘See-Think-Wonder’ routine was applied in our designing of Reflection Journal 1 (Appendix 1) to set a platform for students to make and inquire on their observations. B. The ‘Connect-Extend-Challenge’ routine, adopted in our Reflection Journal 2 (Appendix 2), allowed students to make connections to prior knowledge, extend their ideas and discuss their challenges. From Reflection Journal 3 to 5 (Appendices 3 – 5), students were given greater space and flexibility to reflect on any relevant subject areas. However, there were still some guiding questions provided to help direct their thinking. The Reflective Practice Lesson A briefing was first conducted for all the members during the last week of the June holidays on the objective of the research study and their role in this study. Details such as completing a journal at the end of CCA practice sessions and videoed reflective dialogues between selected members and teacher-researchers were also highlighted during the briefing. The study was implemented between July and September 2014 of Term 3, from Week 2 to Week 11. Every guitar practice session lasted about 2 hours and all the 11 members wrote an entry in their weekly reflection journals after practice. Journal 1 in Term 3 Week 2 40 Journal 2 in Term 3 Week 3 Journal 3 in Term 3 Week 4 Journal 4 in Term 3 Week 5 Journal 5 in Term 3 Week 11 (September Holiday)