A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 31

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice Development of Students’ Leadership Capacity When each group was asked to decide on their individual roles (group leader, assistant group leader, scribe, time keeper and noise controller), both groups almost unanimously chose those with the most dominant personality. Both group leaders who were elected, Student A and Student F, displayed qualities of assertiveness and outspokenness, which helped them to lead their group. The next most outspoken member in the group became the assistant leader. The decision was somehow unanimous and these students naturally assumed the leadership roles. From the observations and field notes jotted down, there were a lot of noteworthy leadership behaviours displayed by the four of them: reminding peers to stay on task, mediating disagreement among peers, making final decisions (in the event of disagreements in the group; as seen in Group 2), reprimanding non-participative members, reiterating teacher’s instructions to peers, checking if a member was on task (especially when tasks were divided and done by different individuals), confirming group decisions, and maintaining discipline during discussions by maintaining the noise level. As I coded the transcripts, I realised that the five lessons had given the leaders good opportunities to develop their leadership skills. To me, it was interesting to observe Student A as I found her to be a very responsible and caring leader. She was the only one who asked for members’ preferences throughout the activities such as asking which instrument they wanted to play or what lyrics they wanted to write down. She facilitated the group discussions well and managed to evaluate members’ strengths before deciding who should be playing a certain instrument. Initially, Student D wanted to play the bordun but when she realised that he could not keep the beat all the time, she asked Student C to try playing the bordun instead. Although Student C was not 28