A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 25

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice thinking’. They were also able to communicate effectively, express their ideas, manage the information given to them from the first few lessons, and apply the knowledge into their composition activities. In doing so, they displayed ‘information and communication skills’; which is one of the Emerging 21st Century Competencies as well (MOE, 2010). These two Emerging 21CC were developed through the nature of the tasks, which required them to collaborate and co-operate in order to solve a complex problem (i.e. a problem that consists of multiple parts to solve). It was also evident that in the process, students gained self-awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, and also exercised self-control to minimise conflicts within the group. There were also some instances in which the group analysed the members’ weaknesses and strengths before making a decision. No, I am not good at singing. Can I play the percussion instrument please? [Student I, Personal Communication during Lesson] So we chose Student B to play the melody because she is very clear and she can play the complicated notes really fast. [Student A, Personal Communication during Lesson] Besides self-awareness, it was evident that students learnt how to be socially aware that everyone had different ideas and they had to appreciate and respect the differences. From the transcripts of the group discussions, it was evident that as the lesson progressed, they argued less and were less critical of the ideas suggested. Feedback was given in a constructive manner. Their relationship management skills also developed. 22