A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 18

Co-operative Learning Structure in Group Music Composition In Lesson Three: In Lesson Four: Students were tasked to piece everything together as they needed to come up with a performance with the set parameters. The task was given in such a way that everyone needed to be involved and serve as one another’s resource to complete the task. Students were introduced to a more complex concept of form in music – namely, the Ternary (ABA) form. They were then presented with the second composition activity that required them to start their composition from scratch, and applying the musical elements they had learned previously. They performed at the end of this lesson, and they were given suggestions on which areas to improve upon by Lesson Five, at which they had their final performance. Data Collection Lesson Recordings, Transcriptions and Fieldnotes Since two groups were observed, there were two separate video cameras capturing the group discussions and students’ interactions at every lesson. In addition, each of the ten students under observation had an individual audio voice recorder to pre-empt any video camera malfunctioning and resulting loss of data. This was especially helpful during Lesson Four when the video cameras ran out of battery, and the second half of the lesson was not video-recorded. The recordings of each group from each lesson were then transcribed word for word by the research assistant using the video file, checked against the audio file from each individual voice recorder, to ensure accuracy in transcribing the discussion. It was interesting to discover that although both groups were in the same lesson completing the same tasks, the lesson recordings and transcriptions captured very different discussions and responses from each group. I felt that the most significant data source for this qualitative study came from the edited version of lesson transcriptions when I added the field notes; particularly noting down students’ behaviour and body language. Since the nature of the research questions required me to study and 15