A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 16

Co-operative Learning Structure in Group Music Composition The main instruments used for the composition were Orff instruments (xylophones and metallophones) and handheld percussion instruments. There were eight musical concepts focused in this study to facilitate music composition activities: beat, rhythm, melody, rhythmic ostinato, melodic ostinato, bordun accompaniment, pentatonic scale and form in music (in this case, ABA form). Lesson Concepts Task 1. • Beat vs. rhythm • Melody • Pentatonic scale • Bordun accompaniment • Change the lyrics of the song • Change the melody of the song using pentatonic scale • Choose bordun accompaniment style 2. • Rhythmic ostinato • Melodic ostinato • Create a rhythm ostinato • Create a melodic ostinato using pentatonic scale 3. • Composition Activity 1 • Perform the piece as a group with - 1 person singing the new lyrics - 1 person playing the melody - 1 person playing the bordun accompaniment - 1 person playing the rhythmic ostinato - 1 person playing the melodic ostinato 4. • Form in Music • Composition Activity 2 • Compose a song in ABA form with melodic and rhythmic ostinato 5. • Performance • Perform the newly-composed piece as a group with - 1 person singing the new lyrics - 1 person playing the melody - 1 person playing the bordun accompaniment - 1 person playing the rhythmic ostinato - 1 person playing the melodic ostinato Table 2: Task Overview 13