A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice | Page 129

A Reflective Lens: Music Pedagogical Research to Transform Practice viii. Who did you all go to when you needed help in your learning? They approached their friends or searched for YouTube videos mainly. They did not consider seeking help from teachers. Discussion Overall, the students have attained meaningful learning and were also able to monitor their own learning. The YouTube videos were a great help to the students and yet, it also limited the music they could access. The application of informal learning led to changes in the music classroom. Observations were made in relation to the following areas: 1) Supporting self-directed learning, 2) Formation of friendship groups, and 3) YouTube videos as an aid to learning. Supporting Self-Directed Learning Peer learning is one of the most effective tools for learning. There was obvious evidence of peer learning between the two girls, Serene and Joy. When they were given the task of learning a new song, Joy took the lead to play a song. If the song was too complex, Joy would advise Serene accordingly. Learning was constructed around their language and the girls devised ways to enhance their learning. The rest of the class also helped and encouraged their friends when they were learning the song of their choice. They were able to give suggestions and offer help when their friends did not understand how to play certain parts of the songs. There were a few occasions when they could not do it even with help from others. This was when YouTube videos came into the picture. They could rewind or forward the videos, and learn accordingly. They did not see the need to ask the teacher for help. 126