I'm beyond grateful that you've decided to join us with this new issue. I like to think of this time as a new beginning for Urban Grandstand Digital. Just over a month ago, we hit our 7-year mark in the media world as an independent publication, and it's such a great feeling. It's taken a tremendous amount of hard work and dedication to get to this point. As many of you know, many publications do not make it to this point. It certainly becomes a task when creating content for public consumption. We came into this world with a strong goal of being a media organization that offered and provided quality content that was sensitive to the urban communities, and the lives of our subjects. We wanted to build a stronger name for black media. I think in many ways, we've been able to accomplish that, and on the same token, I think we still have a long road to travel. Due to the carelessness and sensationalistic nature of many journalists today, media as w hole has a terrible name. That's something we continue to work diligently at correcting, and with your help, it will happen. Through our pages, we will continue to publish mindful and thought-provoking features with your favorite celebrities.

This is very much like a second run for us, as we have been a bit dormant over the last two years. While we've had some content to hit the web, it wasn't nearly as much as we have done in the prior years. In the theory of being transparent, I can say without shame that this was due mostly in part to life happening for myself. Some things have transpired over the past couple years that literally sent my life into a tailspin. I honestly didn't know which way was up, and how to move forward with anything, let alone doing media runs, interviews, and so forth. I had no choice but to put things on hold indefinitely while I reorganized my life, for myself and for my child. It all was a humbling experience to say the least, as I feel I've started over personally, financially, and professionally. I was always happy to be here, but now it's just an exhilarating feeling because without a doubt, I have worked my ass off to get back to this place. We literally have not dropped an issue in 2-years, so this issue is most definitely a new baby for me. The first article you get will fully detail my media career with U.G. Digital Media & Publishings, and the advancements we've been able to make over the past 7-years. It's a different approach by far because most would wait for someone else to tell the story, while I'm telling my own story, in MY OWN publication. Why not? You should always be the first to promote the good you do, and i KNOW we do GREAT for the media world. In this issue, as well as future issues, we'll do our best to bring in some new faces; new writers, and dynamic subject matter that only we can offer. It's funny how although we're a positivity-driven publication, it's still a struggle to get some celebrities and individuals in our pages. That; unfortunately, is something that happens when you're independent, and when you don't push the typical narrative that most urban publications push. We can send paparazzi out the same exact way, pry into one's business, and disrupt their lives in the same manner, but why would we REALLY want to drag someone in that way? Our purpose has always been to offer light to our readers, and we will continue to do that. gain, I'm thrilled you are here with us for the ride!