A Nurse's Life: Magazine Volume 1 | Page 8

Focus on the Med


Digoxin - Foxglove Toxicity

This wonderful drug causes vasoconstriction, helps slow conduction of the heart and alters the Na/K+, and Ca variables that affect the heart's ability to function well. It is used to treat a-fib, and CHF. We all know what "dig" is.

However, what are the signs and symptoms of toxicity?

Here is a list of compiled signs and symptoms from Medscape.com


•Increased PR interval

•AV block with concurrent decrease in the QT interval

•Ectopic rhythms

•Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia


•Inadequate tissue perfusion

•Hypoxic seizures


•Acute tubular necrosis


"The most common precipitating cause of digitalis intoxication is depletion of potassium stores, which occurs often in patients with heart failure as a result of diuretic therapy and secondary hyperaldosteronism."

(Vinod Patel, MD, 2013).