A Needle Pulling Thread Spring 2016 Sampler | Page 35

HOOKING AN IRIS T RIVET Gardens, springtime and the colour blue are all some of my favourite things. Irises are my favourite flower. I like the contrast between the architectural leaves and those flouncy, frilly flowers. It has leaves like swords and flowers like prom dresses. The finished size of the trivet is approximately 6” x 6” and hooked in a #4 cut. This pattern could be blown up bigger to a 12” x 12” (#6 cut) or even an 18” x 18” (#8 cut) and hung on the wall 90 A NEEDLE PULLING THREAD ●  Spring 2016 or sewn into a cushion. The directions here are for the trivet size and makes for a good project for a beginner. This project took 3 days, one day to trace the design onto the backing, one day of hooking and one day of finishing. For those who worry about having a lot of unfinished projects stacking up, this project is refreshingly quick to make. If you want to dye your own wool then add on one more day.