A Look at Our 2023 Board Report 2023 | Page 27

INDIA Risings focused on migrant labor , on women farmers , as well as on adults with disability issues and the issue of multiple sexual identities , with the foundational focus on violence . 28 states held creative and artistic events focusing on the themes of communal violence , issues of rights and entitlements of the marginalized communities , the taking of resource and land , and of land appropriation – including a Mountain Arts Festival where music , theatre and arts workshops were held .
BANGLADESH Community level risings included dancing , songs , posters and traditional art . The big open- air program had women drummers going around streets and districts with a rally procession , singing , dancing , with feminist artists and feminist songs .
CAMBODIA Held writing , art and film challenges with the theme : “ Right To Rise For Freedom ” – asking the accountability and transparency from their government on its promise on ending gender-based violence . Main artistic rising was led by gender diverse participants with the theme “ Rise for the Freedom of All Diverse Girls and Women ” – promoting the recognition of the rights , freedom and self-expression of diverse girls and women and gender diverse people .
NEPAL Conducted sessions in 50 districts on violence against women and girls and collated a list of their concerns that were brought to local administrations . Main risings included dancing , art and theatre on the streets showing possible remedies at the local level . Held a series of OBR podcasts on the issues of land rights , feminism , violence , patriarchy , and held discussions in 20 colleges .
PAKISTAN Conducted a seminar and poster competition among students from the departments of Gender Studies , Psychology at Rabel Pindi , the only women ’ s university in the country . Held different rising activities with women ’ s shelters in the capital of Pakistan and Punjab . To this day , it is prohibited for women to dance and sing on the streets , that is why they held their risings inside universities .
SRI LANKA Creative events in 20 districts included a kite festival , community dancing , street plays , traveling theatre caravan , songs and local discussions , celebrations of women , cycling procession , art events , painting sessions , men discussion groups , publishing of a booklet of 10 years of OBR and traditional performances . Risings also took place in tea plantations led by plantation women and in local communities led by women workers .