V ’ s bestselling book , Reckoning , which came out just in time for V25 , tells the story of a lifelong writer and activist ’ s journey over the years , inviting us into V ’ s journals and pieces written in the moment and collected over a lifetime of reckoning with the world ’ s injustices . It represents both the core of ideas that have become global movements such as V-Day , The Vagina Monologues , and One Billion Rising , and the methods through which V survived abuse and self-hatred , challenging the myths and narratives that have guided her life , and chronicling the career of a singular voice , coinciding with the 25th anniversary of V-Day , the global activist movement to end violence against all women , gender expansive people , girls , and the planet .
Reckoning has been released in French , Korean , Bosnia and Italian , as well as in English in Australia , the UK and the US .