What does this character look like?
Her description is unattractive at first; her eyebrows meeting in the middle, her hooked nose, etc. But Amir thinks she's beautiful.
How could this character's personality be described?
Reserved at first.
Her complicated past makes her kindness seem true and honest.
In what chapters does this character appear?
Chapter 11 onwards
What are the key events in which this character is involved?
Amir meeting her for the first time. Their marriage.
What are this character's relationships with others?
She is respectful to her father and is still very much under his control.
Loving marriage with Amir, but Amir feels slightly distant with her because of the 'emptiness in Soraya’s womb'.
Baba's only carer when he is ill.
Strained relationship with Sohrab, Hassan's son.
What words or phrases does this character commonly use?
Uses a lot of ellipsis', slightly modern way of talking. Couldn't find any common quotes.
What language techniques does this character commonly use?
Ellipsis, figurative language, hedges