A Level English Lang and Lit Property | Page 18


How could this character’s personality be described?

Thoughtful, keeps to herself, quiet but not shy, scheming, cowardly, self centred, respectful out of fear perhaps. Blunt. She is organised, better dressed than most slaves, appears to be cold and manipulative, lack of any signs of empathy, rather apathetic approach towards Manon. Shows no signs of respect other than she is obliged to.

How is this character's appearance described?

Mixed race, slightly gaunt? Mid twenties. Attractive slave girl, tall, slim, bright skin tone.

What events is this character most significant in?

Walter (deafness, general misbehaviour, etc), runaway, Manon getting shot in da arm, she gets to experience the freedom of being a white male in society.

What are this character’s relationships with others?

Mr Gaudet, unwilling closeness/intimacy. Manon, frosty, awkward. She is a subject to Mr Gaudet, shows clear signs of hatred towards her ‘masters’. Appears to be uncaring towards Walter as a sign of her disgust with his father. Very cold and official towards Manon. Seems to be on friendly terms with majority of the slaves on the plantation, although theres hardly any evidence for the language she uses to address them. Manipulates Mr Roget into marrying her to gain her freedom from Manon, seems affectionless.

What words or phrases does this character frequently use?

ma'am, yes, " silence"

What language techniques does this character commonly use?

Ellipsis, actively avoids speaking to people

Uses mainly simple vocab, limited to only the basic english language. ‘Was’ is the only past tense she uses. Elision for all contractions of negative verbs eg: don’ etc. Also: ‘missus’ for ‘mrs’. Personal pronouns in their simplest forms are used in almost every response she makes.

Structure: Hardly ever uses full sentences, minor sentence mainly. Rarely speaks more than two-three words per response, often does not respond at all to questions out of her comfort zone.