A Level English Lang and Lit ELLA 1 | Page 11

How Should You Plan?

Planning essay responses- A questions (theme)

Who does the theme apply to?

What scenes/ episodes are connected?

Narrow down to 2/3 scenes/ episodes from the novel

Identify 2 points that can be made (if doing 3 scenes/ episodes)

Identify 3 points that can be made (if doing 2 scenes/ episodes)

Pick out the terminology for the points


Planning essay responses- A questions (character)

Consider the main characteristics of that character/ changes they undergo.

Identify 2/3 scenes that would highlight each of these main characteristics/ changes

Identify 2 points that can be made (if doing 3 scenes/ episodes)

Identify 3 points that can be made (if doing 2 scenes/ episodes)

Pick out the terminology for the points