Relove Yo u r Wedding Dress
Before After
Ever wondered what to do with your wedding dress after your big day ? TV bridal gown ecodesigner , author and speaker Caroline Arthur ’ s new book Relovable – What To Do With Your Old Wedding Dress teaches brides how to make the most of the most important gown they ’ ll ever own . Here ’ s her advice for turning yours into something you ’ ll treasure forever .
Rediscover Your Dress
“ Every dress is different , and each will have potential . I would recommend taking your wedding dress out of its box or bag , and assessing it simply as a garment hanging on a hanger . In my book Relovable – What To Do With Your Old Wedding Dress , I encourage you to consider it as a source of fabric . Maybe it has beading on it ? Lace ? What condition is it in ? Not everyone gets their dress cleaned the moment they step out of it , so don ’ t worry if there are stains , nor does it matter if it no longer fits . Perhaps there is a horizontal join at the waist which might inspire you to consider separating the skirt part and using that as a garment on its own ? For now , you ’ re just getting used to handling it , and enjoying a little wallow down memory lane .”
Changing Your Dress
“ Your options are limitless , but for many people , they ’ d like to change the colour and dye their old wedding dress . This is particularly suited to simple dresses and the process is fascinating , but not for the faint-hearted , as there is risk involved .
In my book , I explain how to assess what your dress is made of and therefore what kind of dye or paint you ’ ll need to use , and how to minimise the risk . There are courses you can take , and a few specialists exist who may be able to dye your dress for you . If you ’ re not