ANSWERED BY THE KENT REGISTRATION SERVICE Photography By : Louisa Dettmer Wedding Photography
I DON ’ T LIVE IN KENT OR BEXLEY . CAN I GET MARRIED OR HAVE MY CIVIL PARTNERSHIP HERE ? As long as you have lived for seven days in England or Wales and are not subject to immigration control , you will be eligible to give your notice of marriage or civil partnership .
After this , you can marry or enter into a civil partnership at one of the many approved premises , or you may wish to choose one of our register offices .
However , if you are marrying in Kent or Bexley but do not live in the area , you will need to give your legal preliminaries ( Notice of Marriage or Civil Partnership - see page 14 ) in the area where you live .
WHAT IF I WANT TO GET MARRIED ABROAD ? If you are thinking of marrying abroad , you must check with the authorities of the country you are marrying in regarding the legal preliminaries required . These will vary from country to country and depend on your own nationality . Some countries require you to give notice of marriage in this country ; this is known as a certificate of no impediment . This may be obtained by giving legal preliminaries ( see next page ) to your local register office .
A marriage solemnised in accordance with the local law of a foreign country cannot be registered in this country . If possible , you should register your marriage with the British Embassy or
consulate in the country in which you get married , at the time you get married . You can then obtain a copy of your marriage certificate in this country . It is always advisable to obtain more than one marriage certificate if you marry abroad .
While legally recognised , marriages abroad cannot be registered for British subjects in the UK . However , it may be possible for the record of an overseas marriage to be lodged at the General Register Office . See direct . gov . uk for more information .
If you are in any doubt , contact your local register office . It is also possible to have a renewal of marriage vows ceremony in Kent or Bexley in addition to your marriage abroad , so your family and friends don ’ t miss out . Find out more about this on page 22 .
For further information contact us or visit akentishceremony . com .
I DON ’ T LIVE IN ENGLAND OR WALES . CAN I GET MARRIED OR ENTER INTO A CIVIL PARTNERSHIP HERE ? Possibly , but in order to be eligible you will need to complete a full seven-day residency within England or Wales .
You will need to provide proof of this residency ( i . e . hotel invoice , flight tickets ,
Wild and ‘ undone ’ flowers are in fashion this season , so take a peek in your garden to see if Mother Nature ’ s serving up some inspiration right outside your door . There might be enough to pick and create your own jamjar posies for table centrepieces .
etc ). On the eighth day of your residency , you may give your legal preliminaries ( see next page ) to the local register office where you have been living . If either or both parties are subject to immigration control , you will need to follow the guidelines for foreign nationals . Contact our ceremonies team for advice .
CAN I GET MARRIED IN A CHURCH OF ENGLAND OR CHURCH OF WALES ? If you wish to be married in a Church of England or Church of Wales , you should first speak to the vicar . If the vicar is able and willing to marry you , arrangements will be made for the banns to be called on three Sundays before the day of your ceremony . In certain circumstances the vicar may ask you to give legal preliminaries ( see below ) at your local register office .
HOW DO I GET MARRIED IN ANOTHER PLACE OF WORSHIP ? If you wish to be married by religious ceremony , other than in a Church of England or Wales , you should first arrange to see the minister or other person in charge of marriages at the building . You will both need to give legal preliminaries ( see next page ) at the register office in the district ( s ) where you live .
A registrar may also need to attend and complete the marriage schedule .