Don't be afraid to follow up. Communication is key. If you need information for the website don't be afraid to ask again. Sometimes asking on different platforms helps to. If it's a fellow student email, text, snapchat….whatever works. If it's a sponsor or adult email, phone, try their other email. The problem may be that they don't have an answer. In that case, prefacing in your email/text that you need a confirmation that information has been received may be the best way. Ask perhaps for a timeline on when the needed information would be available. If it's urgent don't be afraid to say so, but also remember that your problems are not necessarily their problems.
Schedule meetings so you know you have support before something malfunctions. Don't wait for when something isn't working to schedule a meeting with an advisor. But at the same time don't be afraid to schedule a meeting with an advisor when something isn't working.
Set aside time everyday. If you don't have JCL stuff to do that day, then you have built in free time. But if something does come up, you aren't scrambling to get it done.
Left: Visit iljcl.org to see the official website for the Indiana Junior Classical League (which Emily is in charge of)! A great feat of design, currency, and effectiveness!