A Home Improvement Project for the Spring January 2014 | Page 3
Ask friends for ideas and ask to have a look at their latest projects. Small and large
spaces can easily be transformed with the right ideas. Search the internet and you will be
amazed at what you can find. The good thing about getting some work done at home is
that it gives you a chance to clear out what you no longer need and once you've started,
it is hard to stop. Get it all packed up in strong boxes (banana type ones are great) and
find out when your local boot sales are. This is a good way of getting some cash toward
the project in hand and what you have left. Don't be tempted to store it in the garage give to a charity shop.
The hands on part of the job can seem tiresome and never ending especially the
preparation for decorating. Once you have a picture in your head contact a painter and
decorator who can tell you what different types of decoration will give you the desired
effect and provide a quote.