There are three types of sports drinks that have numerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and carbohydrate. Isotonic drinks have similar concentrations as the human body of salt and sugar. It is the preferred drink for most athletes who run distances since it supplies carbohydrates and replaces the fluids lost in sweating.
Hypertonic is another kind of drink quite different than the Isotonic. The drink offers a higher concentration of salt and sugar than the human body. Gymnasts are the most suitable ones for this drink since it gives fluid
without a carbohydrate boost.
For the third type we have the Hypotonic drinks that have a lower concentration of salt and sugar than the human body. It is consumed after exercise to increase daily carbohydrate and supplement muscle glycogen stores. However, it must be taken with isotonic drinks in order to replace lost fluids.
Sports drinks are proven to be good for you while exercising however, they should be taken as quickly as possible. It is preferably to consume the drink with a straw and not hold it around your mouth. You have to be careful not to maintain drinks in the mouth because this can increase the risk of erosion.