A Guide to Practical Breeding A Guide to Practical Breeding First edition, 2012 | Page 23
generation will only be able to retain half of their old bloodlines. But
practical breeders would not mind such a drastic change provided improvement is achieved. In the development of the blakliz we did this
when we put in the bonanza and later, the Aguirre grey and the blue face
and form new families..
Infusion is the bringing in of a new blood and then slowly breeding it out. Say you will introduce a kelso blood to your bloodline of
sweaters the resulting generation will be ½ kelso ½ sweater. You will
then breed out the kelso blood by mating the ½ kelso ½ sweater generation to a pure sweater. The next generation will then be ¾ sweater ¼ kelso. If you breed another pure sweater to this generation, the next generation will only have 1/8 kelso blood. This generation will
have individuals with blood composition that is almost
Intervention is a
back to the original. Some breeders will go as far as 1/16;
word we coined at RB
or even 1/32 left of the infused bloodline.
Traditional or preservationist breeders find infuSugbo Gamefowl
sion a useful technique. But, to practical breeders infusion
Technology for another
is very time-consuming. And the idea of spending for a
sort of a breeding-innew bloodline that you will breed out eventually, sounds
breeding-out technique.
silly from the point of view of a practical breeder.
The purpose of infusion is what is called ―shot in
the arm.‖ After generations of keeping a bloodline pure, the genetic variation will become limited and dormant, such that an injection of new
genes will awaken the bloodline. By slowly breeding out the new blood,
the original bloodline will be restored. This idea is very enticing to dogmatic breeders but unappealing to practical breeders.
The difference between upgrading and infusion is that in a series
of upgrading the old bloodline will eventually be phased out, while in
infusion the object is to restore the old bloodline with a little change in
the genetic composition.
Intervention is a word we coined at RB Sugbo Gamefowl Technology for another sort of a breeding-in-breeding-out technique because
we did not know what the proper genetics term was, if any. There might
be times that we will desire a new look in a bloodline we want to maintain. For example we have a family of hatch that we want to keep, but at
the same time we desire to make them black in plumage. What we do is
breed the hatch to a black family. The offspring will have 1/2 blood of
the hatch but will be black in plumage. If we breed these blacks back to
the hatch family we will get some blacks that are ¾ hatch. Continuous