A Corporate Housing PUBLICATION Things You Should Know About Corporate Housing | Page 4
Corporate Housing and Its
• In the past these corporate housing spaces have only been available to the elite
corporations. It has been extended to those in the medical field that may need
to temporary relocate based on a special medical case or for long term care for
specific patients. Government officials also use these. Some officials may not
fully live in the capital, but rather travel there when they are needed. They can
stay in these corporate housing spaces instead of hotels. Lately, celebrities have
chosen to use corporate housing as well to lessen the amount of paparazzi. It
keeps them a little more hidden. There are other jobs that may deem corporate
housing necessary as well. Sometimes a company simply has a large ongoing
project with either another company or a branch campus. The business will then
send its employees to the area temporarily to complete the project. Also, a
corporation may simply be opening a new branch of its business. They will
relocate a lead employee to the new area to oversee the start up and to help
train new leadership for that branch.
• In more recent years, corporate housing has been extended beyond only
corporate use. The increase in natural disasters has left many families stranded
and without a home or any of their things. The government and even some
insurance companies have made deals with corporate housing owners to use
their spaces. The stranded families have been able to stay in these corporate
housing spaces for a set amount of time while they look for options of starting
over their home. Many people have questioned this decision stating these
families have not necessarily lost jobs, so they should be able to simply rent an
apartment of some sort until they can figure out a new home. What these
people do not realize is that these families not only lost their homes, but also their
furniture, appliances, etc. It is not such an easy fix. Some of these families are
also too large for a simple extended stay hotel. Also pets sometimes present a
problem for these extended stay places, as well.