A Completely Guide to Yeast Extract_20210611165858 | Page 3

What are the main uses of yeast extract ?
How is yeast extract produced ?
that makes foods taste more delicious . Yeast is used in the food we ’ re familiar
with , like bread , beer , and wine . And yeast extract is used in foods to make them
taste more flavorful . Baker ’ s Brewer ’ s chefs have been using these for as far back
as 4000 years ago . We have evidence of the Egyptians using it .

What are the main uses of yeast extract ?

Like herbs and spices , yeast extract is a natural flavoring ingredient with many
benefits in taste improvement . It intensifies the taste .
It has several functionalities :
� Improve and build taste
� Bring a signature flavor
� Make healthy formulations
� Bring richness
Or as an ingredient in flavor manufacturing

How is yeast extract produced ?