A coleção de cruzeiros | Page 3

Last July , I stood on the deck of the reborn Crystal Serenity as she sailed out of Venice . And though we were setting off on a long-awaited voyage , what struck me was the powerful sense that I had come home .
Since the first time I stepped aboard our ships in the Trieste dockyard in 2022 , when Crystal became part of the Abercrombie & Kent family , I have learned that it is this familial sense of home that keeps guests sailing with us again and again . It ’ s the same feeling that saw more than 80 % of our loyal team return to work at Crystal , and moved so many of them to tears that day as they welcomed me and our Executive Chairman Mr . Lefebvre aboard .
Our ships , now finer than ever after a multimillion-dollar upgrade , have once again become the home away from home to all our Crystal family of beloved guests and staff . Our crew and officers are the beating heart of our ships and it is thanks to their passion , care , warmth , and attention to detail that the soul of Crystal is stronger than ever . I could not be prouder to be setting sail on this next chapter , together .