A-class Muslimah november 2013 | Page 3

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

Asalam Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu, Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. Welcome to A-class Muslimah, an online magazine specifically created for the Muslim woman of all ages who want to strive for the best in this life and the next. Whether you’re a new Muslim, and old Muslim, practicing or trying to become practicing, so long as you believe in the kalmia that "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger" you will find (in shaa Alla) this magazine as some source of inspiration for your day to day life.

This magazine was created with the intention of dawa, spreading knowledge of Islam to the masses, but still being tailored to the Muslim woman herself. A.M is made up of various different contributors who add to the reading experience of each issue. Each month we try to put together an easy to read and interesting issue out for our global community of sisters. We talk about issues facing the Muslim woman of today and try to boost the confidence, moral and knowledge of our reader.

I myself am not a scholar; I am just a young Muslim woman who is trying to gain as much beneficial knowledge as she can. But we will be having scholars who contribute to each issue in sha Allah. We are growing and learning as we are sharing with you, and we look forward to this beautiful journey and hope we can take as many people as we can with us.

This is not your typical magazine; our team tries their hardest to follow the shariya so you will not find descriptive pictures of people or articles about dodgy things. We do not adhere to the trend of sharing too much information online; this is not a gossip or fashion magazine. We do not use words like “swag” (joke) and unless it’s a political article you will find this magazine has very little concern for the dunya. This is a magazine made to stimulate the mind, increase knowledge and remove ignorance from the minds of our sisters (starting with ourselves). If you see something in our issues that you do not like, or consider wrong please do not hesitate to contact us, we don’t not have big egos, if we are wrong we can accept that and try to change the error. Also if there is anything you would like to add do not hesitate to contact us.

Any bad from this magazine is from me, and may Allah forgive me for my shortcomings, and any good from this magazine is from ALLAH alone. ALL PRAISE IS ONLY FOR HIM! I pray to Al-Rashid that He guides the contributors and readers to the best of paths, and He corrects the moral compose of all Muslim women around the world. May this magazine be a source of Barakah in this life and a source of mercy in the next for its contributors and readers. Allahuma Ameen

With true love

Your Sister Ameena

([email protected])