A-class Muslimah november 2013 | Page 16

Asalam Alaikum Warhamatulahi Wabarakatu

So thus concludes the first issue of AM, I pray to the Almighty Allah that the words have benefited someone out there. If you are reading this jazakAllah Khair for our patients and will to finish the whole magazine, mash Allah! I have no idea who will see these words, but walahi without even knowing who you are or confirming your reading I can sincerely say that I love you or the sake of ALLAH. I wish nothing but the best for you, and pray to Allah that I meet you in Jannah. I want to take this chance to make dua for our brothers in sisters in Syria Burma, Palestine, Somalia etc. all around the world where there is a soul who is crying out for Allah’s salvation from hardship. From a whole nation at war or a single person in their room; all the Muslims whose hearts are breaking from pain struggle hardship. May Allah ease your burdens, may Allah unlock your hearts, May Allah comfort your pain May Allah send you whatever it is you are crying out for. I can not see you, but Allah sees all, hears all and knows all. May Allah from all His glorious attributes will the mending of your lives and the fulfillment of your desires.

For those of you who join me in being amongst the sinners, May Allah forgive you. May Allah create a path for you to leave the haram and have deeds that are only halal. May Allah guide you to being a true believer, obedient slave and an honorable Muslim. May Allah allow you to be of the victorious on the day of Qiyama.

I love you as much as I want Allah to love me (and that’s a serious amount). May Allah protect you and send you peace and blessings.

Sister Ameena
