With Special Thanks
I would like to say thank you to my family Alison , David and Sarah and my friends Phil and Debbie Doolan who put up with me whilst I wrote these books .
Thank you to my friends Nicola Cairncross and Paul Fuggle who were always available to bounce an idea off ! I would like to thank Jason Strachan for providing me clarity to explain what on Earth I was talking about . I would also like to thank David Birkett for his help clarifying some very important details which he helped me with after reading the whole system .
Thank you to my friend Mark Donnan , during our first meeting Mark pointed out to me something of key importance and he helped me to create the branding and understanding for Saltori .
Thank you to my site members who gave me feedback and let me know what I was sharing was of the highest value .
Thank you to all of the people who will read this in the future . It was the inspiration I gained from knowing you would do so which made me decide to create and write this .
Thank you to all of the mentors and inspiration people I have had the opportunity to meet along the way . Learning is a two way street and as you share wisdom you also acquire it , so thank you to all those who have sought out my assistance .
There ’ s a very special thank you to my Dad Allan Shaw who taught me how to teach the things I know so that everyone can understand them . Not just those who get this sort of stuff with ease , but the people who really need it as well . And it is because of the skill he gave me I can now explain to you exactly how to do it , so that you CAN change your life .
And finally a thank you to the person who made me bankrupt as without you I never would have taken this path and a lot of people ’ s lives will be made much better thanks to your decision .