A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 62

When you practice silencing your mind, at some point you attain no- mind; it is when you literally think of nothing. No thoughts of any kind - the Zen people call this ‘Satori’, but that’s far too clever for me so I’ll stick with no- mind. This does not mean you are asleep or in a trance, no you are just fully present, fully alert and fully aware. You will probably have experienced glimpses of this throughout your life and they have passed probably without much notice. However, the technique of silencing the mind’s chatter together with some other techniques which I am about to show you will create the by-product of no-mind in the same way as continued practice of the martial arts creates the by-product of Chi. This no-mind isn’t something you have to be super-human to get either, all it is, is you switching your thinking off. I have taught both my children to do this, so you can learn it too; admittedly they didn’t have as much insane chatter going on as we adults, but there was still junk in their minds. When you decide you are going to bring in no-mind, don’t try, just bring it in and silence your mind. I suggest you find your favourite spot in the house and that it is very quiet when you first do this so that there are no external distractions. Once you do it, see how long you can hold it for. I play a game with David practicing how fast you can bring it in and how long you can hold it for? It takes him a few seconds to silence his mind before bringing it in and he can usually hold it for about a minute, which is of course fine. In fact the power of this is so great that once you can control it and bring it in on demand anywhere, you only need to hold it for a few moments to completely regain control and effectively restart your hard drive. I practiced bringing in no mind in all sorts of condit ions; on the train, in the car, in shops, in a bar, while playing music, while playing heavy metal music. I kept practicing and in the end there was no place that I could not still my mind in an instant. Now I haven’t kept this up to that level, as I just don’t need that level, but I trained hard enough that I could actually do that. No-mind will just happen when you are ready. Don’t struggle with it, and don’t force it, just allow it to happen when you feel you would like to be able to. I suggest you keep returning to this chapter, as if you get this and can turn it on whenever you ‘want’ to, then you cannot not notice the immediate change in your reality. This hidden obstacle will never be invisible again. Spend plenty of time building your foundation; you can’t put the roof on a house until you have built the walls, and your walls need to have a solid foundation… www.ABugFreeMind.com