A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 26

which you learn cool new stuff and you think, yes this is really helping me. Then six months after you have read that book you notice that actually your life is still the same... This book isn’t like that. As readers tell me regularly: - I am not sure where to start Andy, I have read Think and Grow Rich, about 50 times, The Secret, Abraham Hicks, and your books have made me think more deeply than any other. - Rebecca Jenkins You are about to read something very ‘different’… You'll find within these books A LOT of information which you already thought you knew... But when you find yourself thinking 'I knew that...' Consider this... 'Am I applying it?' If the answer is no, then you only intellectually know it... As only if you are applying and living it do you truly know it. And as you'll soon discover intellectually knowing something is far worse than not knowing something. One of the things I do here is bring together the teachings of the ancients, I take from this person, that person... I pull together what works mix it with how I think and make it all fit together so that it works for you... We all know wisdom when we see it, but most of the time we can't apply it to our everyday lives. What I do is make everything applicable... Hundreds of tiny missing pieces are brought together in one all-encompassing system. But the reason this system is something very different, is that it is a thinking system... No one has done one of those before, instead they teach you things which you place on top of chaotic thought and wonder why it hasn't worked. But I don't expect you to 'believe' that right now... And when I've finished the last thing you'll want is to 'believe' that... But I do expect you to just be curious enough to begin to read. After this your life will never be the same again, you’ll change... It is impossible not to! The problem you have been attempting to solve is invisible... Which makes it very hard to fix... So if you are wondering why you don’t have the success - the life you desire, it is simple. Your mind has a virus… it is full of bugs. You know it would be insanity to upload some new software onto a computer which had a virus… yet that is exactly how you ‘try’ to create your success. That is exactly what you are doing every day! I know it goes against the grain for me to criticise what clearly is such wonderful and beneficial information. But we have to face the fact that this system, despite the quality of the information, that this personal development education system, simply fails to deliver. And it fails because of the teachers’ inability to explain properly how to the students. I am a student and I am a teacher and I always will be. I can never finish my learning; I will never have www.ABugFreeMind.com