A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 17

answer , you know you are close to it , but you just can ’ t find out what it is . The answer is your mind is full of bugs and they are hindering you each and every step along the way . Unless you remove them then NOTHING you do , no new software will work , because you are installing good software onto a bad machine .
But what if you could just hit the reset switch and clear out all the junk ? That would help , that ’ s why people meditate and exercise etc . But you ’ ll find that this only removes most of the junk . It doesn ’ t remove the bugs and the viruses , as they are invisible and part of you so you cannot fix it if you don ’ t know it is broken .
What ' s more your mind is like a tank of water , you cannot sort out part of the pollution by pouring in clean water . You have to clean the whole tank out at once or the pollution will spread to whatever clean water goes in , this is one of the main reasons why self-help books don ' t work as I will explain shortly . They are only cleaning some of the water in the tank ... As soon as it ' s cleaned it ' s poured back into to a polluted system . So can you imagine for a second just how powerful it would be to be able to restart your computer ? To be able to clear out all of the junk all the pollution , to have had an expert go in and remove all of your viruses , all of your bugs . Then you switch your mind on and it ’ s there , silent and ready to do whatever you ‘ want ’ it to … All of the software is still on there , all of the good stuff remains without any of the bad stuff . Your mind is clear , free to do whatever you wish .
Now with this CLEAR mind you decide to load new software say learning to ' How To Trade ' Stocks and Shares for example ... But it could be anything you want it to be ... As with a CLEAR mind and a structured way of thinking then you can DO anything . As you are Trading you see a bug forming ( a ' poor ' or irrational thought ). Now because you have in place a structured way of thinking which amongst other things is effectively like the most awesome antivirus software on Earth . It identifies the bug a mile off and just rids it from the start without effort . So the new ' How To Trade ' software is able to just go in and work unhindered . It just works , it does its job . Before , the new software failed to start but now your mind has ' no bugs ' and no ' chaotic thinking ' getting in the way . Now you are clear to think and whatever you choose to install into your life will now work .
Well can you imagine how powerful that would be ? Instead of everything you touched failing , everything you touch now turns to gold . How would that make you feel ? Little old you can now make anything work ! Everything you do works , everything you touch turns to gold , you can do anything you desire … how would that feel ?
But that ’ s not realistic right ?… Back to the real world where your mind is full of bugs and has no structured thinking system . But if only there was a way