A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw PDF Review 1 | Page 14

tendency to reform old patterns. So I thought, if I wrote this book over the next few months, then I would get to spend a few hours a day cementing in the correct mindset in place. I was also sure I would discover new things along the way as well. So I set out in January 2010 to write this book. Around June time I realised that I wasn’t writing one book, I was actually writing two. Looking back now it is obvious, but when I started out my intention was to create one system for the removal of bugs and one base system for structured thinking to run all software on. These evolved into what I call Saltori, which I explain in more detail shortly. I finished the first draft of the books nine months later and have loved the entire journey. These two books are the culmination of my mind’s work on the attainment of a successful life through an all encompassing structured thinking system. The first book ‘Creating A Bug Free Mind’ is the one that clears your mind of the junk, the hidden bugs and all the mental viruses which ca use you to fail to succeed. It frees you of all of your dead mental baggage. The second book provides you with a base operating system for your life, so that you can now create your life by design. This works in a similar way to Apple, Linux or Microsoft’s operating system, as in it is the foundation program for all you intend to do in your life. Once you have installed this new structured way of thinking into your mind then you will stop living by accident and start living your life on purpose. On your true purpose and creating all details of your life to the design you ‘want’ it to be. Andy Shaw www.ABugFreeMind.com