Generating ideas, possibilities and actions
This element involves students to image possibilities and connecting ideas through considering alternatives and seeking solutions and putting ideas into action. Students create new, and expand on their own, ideas. They explore situations and generate alternatives to guide actions and experiment with and assess options and actions when seeking solutions.
In summary, generating primarily consists of:
Reflecting on thinking and processes
This element involves students to think about thinking (metacognition), reflecting on their actions and processes, and transferring knowledge into new contexts to create alternatives or open up possibilities. Students can reflect on, adjust and explain their thinking and identify the thinking behind choices, strategies and actions taken. They apply knowledge gained in one context to clarify another. In summary, reflecting primarily consists of:
Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures
This element involves students to apply logic and reasoning, drawing conclusions and designing a course of action and evaluating procedures and outcomes. Students consider and assess the logic and reasoning behind choices, they differentiate components of decisions made and actions taken and assess ideas, methods and outcomes against criteria.
In summary, analysing primarily consists of: