9th Annual University Research Conferrence Program Mobile | Page 34

Biology 6 The Effect of pH on Ketoreductase Catalyzed Reduction of Ketones Investigation of Temperature on the Enzymatic Activity of Ketoreductases Solvent Effects on Ketoreductase-Catalyzed Reduction of Ketones The Effects of Ethanol on Alternative Microglia Cell Activation The Effect of Ethanol on LPS-Induced Microglial Classical Activation
Computer Information Science 7 Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Steganography Using Algorithms to Save Lives : Emergency Rescue Robots Web Design and User Experience with Artificial Intelligence Computer Forensics : RAM Analysis Mary Shelley ’ s Frankenstein and Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence and Ethics Computer Vision Malware Analysis Artificial Intelligence and Video Games Digital Forensics : 3D Printed Ghost Guns Sports Management and Artificial Intelligence Neural Networks Computer Forensic Tools and Techniques Natural Language Processing Machines and Medicine : Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice Computer Forensics : File Recovery AI in Motion : The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Social Media Xiaomi ’ s Robotic Cyberdog Software-Defined Radio Computer Forensics and Incident Response
Counseling 26 Implementing Mindfulness Techniques to Help Elementary Students Manage Stress During the School Day
Criminal Justice 13 What Does the Public Know About Cryptocurrencies and Potential Scams ? The Mental Health Effects of Catfishing Mental Health Impacts of Being a Police Officer , and Officers ’ Reluctancy to Receive Help Firearms and Mental Health Diagnosis